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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tonight With Seung Gi 

幸福的一天~ 呵呵~

今天10点便到了新加坡樟宜机场接升基下午2.30左右的班机。。。等着等着~终于,在一阵热情欢呼下,看到升基的影子了!!! SG在境内呆了好久好久。。听说是去了趟厕所?一出境,他走得好快,不出一分钟的时间便搭上了保姆车走了。有点小小的失望,没来得及拍照,要签名和送上新加坡特产班兰蛋糕。=(

升基一走,大伙儿马上搭德士到MarinaSquare 广场霸位去了。下午5.30,升基的记者见面会开始了。问了好多问题,升基风趣和诚恳地一一回答了。。“会不会较比自己年纪大的女生?”,“以后会对未来女友会做什么浪漫的事?”, “最畏惧什么东西?”, “觉得最感动的《强心脏》来宾的故事”。。。等等。至于他当时怎么回答,在这里最不透露了。最后,如愿以偿,得以把班兰蛋糕送到升基的手上,总算没有什么遗憾了。=)


升基一出场就以“我们结婚好吗”俘获大家的心,全场尖叫不断!接着,主持人教升基讲新加坡式英语“LAR”,“PaiSeh”和“SHIOK”. 我们升基果然聪明,一学就会懂得运用!他的几句新加坡式英语太可爱啦,逗得全场大笑。接着,主持问他昨晚吃了些什么新加坡美食。它除了“黑胡椒螃蟹”还是“黑胡椒螃蟹”。。天啊,整晚只吃了这个?后来他想了想,透漏自己还吃了炸馒头,说很好吃。他还说昨天吃了我那班兰蛋糕,说非常好吃呢!天啊,我太开心了!!!

后来,升基和几位幸运的粉丝们玩了些游戏。好羡慕他们啊,因为奖品也太丰富了吧,都是升基穿过用过的东西呢!有三年前在日本买又长戴的帽子,上个月到香港买的戴过的松鼠帽,《两天一夜》擦过的毛巾,等等。。。 还有粉丝能坐在他骑的脚踏车后面呢!!!可惜啊,怎么都没有我的份?还有,我的一个男性朋友在升基的见证下,唱着“我们结婚好吗?”求婚成功!升基说他在唱这首歌时有想象过也希望会有这样的事发生,今天终于如愿以偿啦!

之后,升基像是在开小型演唱会似的,带来了许多我们粉丝耳熟能详的歌曲。尤其是唱“SmileBoy" 时,便是整场站起来跟着节奏跳着,拼命地摇摆荧光棒!太疯狂了!!!

最后,升基看了新加坡粉丝会为他制作的录影,介绍他新加坡的著名景点与食物。幸运的我也在录影里。。说“LEE SEUNG GI, AnnYeong!”。 还有,在介绍美食时,我和同伴们那句“NomuNomu MaishiSoyo (真的真的好好吃)-九尾胡经典台词,升基还忍耐不住笑了呢!开心!!!



~ { 11:49 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Friday Night Movie @GV Vivo

Thanks to Omy.sg and Domino Pizza, I got a pair of free movie tix to watch Badman - The Dark Knight Rises and I invited Yu wei to join me. Besides the tix, we each also received 3 Movie posters, 1 Movie glass and a voucher for free regular Domino Pizza takeaway.

The movie is kinna long and perhaps the story is a little too complicated for me to understand, I came out the cinema with many question marks in my head. There seems to be  no strong reason for the bad guys to rob the stock exchange & terrorise the city. However, I still enjoyed the movie; the visuals are stunning and extremely impressive.

It's only when Yu wei used her phone to check Domino's pizza branch locations in Singapore that I knew there is one near my place! I have never noticed it since the branch is sort of buried among the neighbourhood shops. I went to redeem my free pizza yesterday and I chose Meetza with New York Crust. It was my 1st time eating Domino Pizza and I love it. While it can't be compared to its giant competitor P Hut, it certainly taste better than Canadian P & Ritz P, especially that it gives a generous portion of different meats on the dough. Once again, thanks for the invitation =)

~ { 12:12 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Food Blogging Workshop @ Singapore Flyer Food Trail

Where else can you find a free workshop that teaches you to cook easy yet fast meals, food photography and free food?? I'm really glad to be part of this event organised by Omy.sg and sponsored by Panasonic. Our Shi Fu are Singapore famous food bloggers: Miss Tam Chiak (http://www.misstamchiak.com/) and Daniel from  (http://blog.omy.sg/danielang) and they are incredibly funny and nice. They do shared some little techniques on food photography such that the food looks more delicious... ummm, looking at the photos, I think I did well, haha. Drooping saliva now? LOL

During the event, we also learnt the steps to cook simple but delicious meals such as Blueberry Cheesecake, Cheesy Grilled Salmon, Fruity Smoothie and more. Absolutely love the salmon coz of the CHEEEESE!~ Yumm! Shall try one of those recipes at home one day =)

~ { 7:29 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Graduate with a BANG!

I'm officially a University Graduate!!! When I was young, NUS has seemed so prestigious and far-fetched to me. Never have I thought that one day, I'm going to graduate as a NUS student. It's like dream come true. =)
4 years flies. It seems like just yesterday, I'm carrying my heavy travel bag and heading to the SDE Orientation Camp alone, not knowing anyone. Now, I have my close university clique and I am really grateful to that. I joined a CCA that I never thought I would have joined (CAC VOICES) and made lots of friends with same interest. I am now skilled in writing essays, give presentations and do debates. I learnt so much about property and investment that I can now fully understand what I read in the business newspapers. I grew up to be more mature in handling difficult situations. I have gain so so so much! Of course, there are periods that I was overwhelmed by assignments and projects. But overall, I think I really had it easy as compared to my fellow friends from other faculty. I had most of my exams open-book; that prevent the suicide of my brain cells. =P  I also had not much mid-term exams to study for. I seldom got stressed up with school work. I got to choose the late noon classes and wake up late. I can go shopping during weekdays with no queue at the fitting room.... etc etc... University life had been the best years in my life!!!
Now, I'm embarking on the next phase of my life: Career. Direction is still a big question mark right now but I believe one day I will figure out what I want to really work as in near future. =)

~ { 1:45 AM }
reflections of you and me;